Orbital Incubator Shaker
Our company manufactures and supplies Orbital Shakers Incubators catering to customers’ varied requirements.
Scientific Lab Instruments – Medical & Hospital Equipments and Process Automation Manufacturer and Supplier
We, Spire Automation and Innovation India, got established in the year 2010, as a manufacturer and supplier of Medical & Laboratory Equipment. We are one of the leading manufacturers of laboratory equipment and special purpose research equipments.
It has always been our endeavour to have customer’s convenience in mind which constantly compels us to modify and improve upon our products continuously so that they have better acceptance by the end user. Swiftly we have gained confidence of our customers to the extent that our product specifications are being adapted for laying down tender specifications for purchase of laboratory equipment by major universities, institutes, college, R&D labs, etc.
We design and manufacturing a wide array of Scientific Laboratory Equipments:- Heating Instruments, Cooling Instruments, Clean Air Room Instruments such as BOD Incubator, Hot Air Ovens, Laboratory Refrigerators, Ultra Low temp Deep Freezer, Furnace, Water Bath & water bath shakers, Rotary vacuum evaporator, Orbital Incubator shaker, PLC controlled Autoclave, Ultrasonic Cleaners, Lyophilizer, Tissue Culture Rack, etc
Contact us via enquiry form and we would be happy to help!